Author Archives: admin

Press Release – SCUK 0915 – Jammu & Kashmir – 06-06-2015

Sikh Council UK Condemns Violence and Demands Action from Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister
The Sikh Council UK condemns the violence in Jammu and Kashmir, India resulting in the death of at least one Sikh and is appealing for calm on both sides as well as writing to the Chief Minister demanding decisive action to hold the Police to account for their actions.
The origin of these events is reported as the tearing down of a poster commemorating the 31st anniversary of the Indian Army attack on Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar by Police officers and has been seen as a provocative and inflammatory act, as well as being an infringement of the right to free speech and freedom of expression in a democratic country…

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Bulletin 53 | May 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh May 2015 Bulletin 53
Meetings / Events 2nd May 2015 Local Meeting held at Guru Nanak Durbar Erith/Belvedere local meeting
10 May 2015 representatives of Sikh Council UK supported the annual charitable Sikh Bike Ride in East London.
14th May 2015 An Executive Member of Sikh Council UK attended a Faiths Forum for London event with the Commission for Religion and Belief in British Public Life chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss which is exploring how shared understandings of the common good may contribute to a more harmonious British society…

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Press Release – SCUK 0815 – Statement – 14-05-2015

Sikh Council UK has become aware of serious allegations involving misrepresenting the activities of Sikh Council UK via the internet and social media.
Secretary General of Sikh Council UK, Gurmel Singh said, “It would seem that one or more persons have resorted to this method of criticising Sikh Council UK perhaps out of fear, envy or their history. I am actually amused by this unwarranted attack by one or more persons who choose to remain anonymous rather than raise these matters directly with the Sikh Council UK in a professional manner….

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Press Release – SCUK 0715 – Sikh MP’s – 08-05-2015

Step Backwards as No Sikh MP’s Elected
The UK’s General Election has resulted in a Parliament without any elected representatives from the Sikh community for the first time since 1992 the country’s largest Sikh body has claimed.
Whilst over 20 Sikh candidates that we are aware of (including six Conservative, five Labour, five UKIP, two Lib Dem, one Green and one National Liberal Party) stood to become MPs, the majority were fighting in seats where they were….

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Bulletin 52 | April 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
April 2015 Bulletin 52
Key Dates:
5th April 2015 Sikh Council UK Executive Committee meeting took place in Ramgarhia Sabha, Coventry
11th April 2015 Representatives of Sikh Council UK attended the Vaisakhi in London event at City Hall organised by Ernest and Young Sikh Network / Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sahib, Barking and the Mayor of London.
During April the following local meetings have been held as part of the Sikh Council UK Engagement Programme Roadshow..

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Application for World heritage Site Status for Sri Harmandar Sahib..

The Sikh Council UK is very concerned to note that an application has been made in secret without any consultation with neither the community /key stakeholder institutes of Amritsar nor the wider global Sikh Community. Sri Harmandar Sahib is a sacred space and over centuries very many Sikhs have died to preserve its sanctity and sovereignty – it is not in the gift of the Indian State nor SGPC or any political party to take this decision.Therefore we urge for this application to be withdrawn immediately and for an independent inquiry to be held as to how it came to be submitted in the first place.
The Sikh Council UK has written to UNESCO, expressing our concerns and the lack of consultation by the Indian Government with the diaspora Sikh Community who are also key stakeholders in relation to issue about the Independance and sovereignity of Harmandar Sahib. We will also be taking this matter up with  the Akal Takaht Jathedar during his visit to the UK, this weekend
The Sikh Council UK also recognises that there an urgent need to safeguard the built and historical heritage of the Sikhs and is very concerned at the failure of the those with responsibility to preserve and conserve this heritage leading to widespread heritage vandalism. In this regard we strongly recommend that no Sewa should be given to any party or undertaken with out written agreements as to exactly what needs preservation and how it would be done.In this regard the SGPC is asked to urgently clarify the arrangement being put into place in relation to the bhora of Baba Deep Singh Ji and the Sewa being awarded as to the conservation and preservation arrangements.
We urge all Sikhs to sign the petition, link below and write to and the Prime Minister of India to withdraw the application and UNESCO asking them to refuse the application, if its is not withdrawn.

Civic Responsibility and Building Influence

Civic Responsibility and Building Influence

Below are some details put together by Sikh Council UK as a guide on processes/ requirements of some of the roles that can be taken up in building civic influence. Getting involved locally in impacting the national picture.


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Bulletin 51 | March 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
March 2015 Bulletin 51
Key Dates
1st March 2015 Spokesperson and Head of Operations participated …
5th March 2015 Representatives of Sikh Council UK attended an event organised by Department of Communities and Local Government, ‘The Victoria Cross Commemorative…
9th March 2015: As one of the first of its kind a roundtable discussion ….

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Bulletin 50 | February 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
February 2015 Bulletin 50

15th February 2015 South region meeting took place
17th February 2015 Sikh Council UK representatives attended launch of ….
26th February 2015 Representatives of Sikh Council UK attended the …
27th February 2015 a meeting was held with the young adults and…

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