Bulletin 46 | October 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
October 2014 Bulletin 46
The General Assembly of Sikh Council UK took place on 11th October 2014 this meeting saw the council into its 3rd administration.
Following a decision by DfE to not allow the opening of a Sikh School in Leicester Sikh Council along with other Sikh Organisations and local members of the Sikh Community held an urgent meeting with Lord Nash in discussing the issues that affected the opening. Following much discussion it was agreed that the opening of the school would be considered with revamped Trust membership and education partner. Subsequently the requirements were met and the school successfully opened its doors on 27th October 2014
11th October 2014 a meeting of the task committee for the Leamington Gurdwara Sahib issue was held in concluding way forward and Sikh Councils role within this.

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