Author Archives: admin

Bulletin 49 | January 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

January 2015 Bulletin 49
3rd January 2015 Education Committee Meeting
3rd January 2015 Media and Communications Committee
4th January 2015 a second meeting of South Region Area took place (summary attached)
10th January 2015 Executive Committee of Sikh Council…
15th January 2015 the Chair of Safety and Co-ordinator….

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Press Release – SCUK- Hate Attack Against Sikh – 19-01-2015

The Sikh Council UK is shocked to hear of a vicious attack on a 24 year old male in Mold, North Wales on 14th January 2015. Sarandev Bhambra is reported to have been attacked in a supermarket by a man armed with a machete and a hammer shouting “white power”.
25 year Zack Davies from the King Street area of Mold was arrested at the scene and has been charged with attempted murder. The attack left 24 year old Sarandev Bhambra from Yorkshire with serious but not life threatening injuries…

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Press Release – SCUK – SCUK Position Vindicated on Caste Legislation – 14-01-2015

Sikh Council UK notes the delivery of an Employment Appeal Tribunal verdict by HJ Langstaff in a caste discrimination case which vindicates Sikh Council UK position on ‘descent’ being a more appropriate protected category to be named in the Equality Act 2010.
The Sikh Council UK has consistently maintained that equality of all mankind and the rejection of any ‘caste’ system represents a founding principle of the Sikh faith. This principle as espoused by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh faith, rejects all systems or concepts of hierarchy based on caste, ritual purity…

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Bulletin 48 | December 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
December 2014 Bulletin 48

7th December 2014 Board of Jathedar meeting took place, during this meeting the Board of Jathedars were requested to approve representations intended by Younger Sikhs….
7th December 2014 the Community Safety Committee meeting took place this was well attended….
14th December 2014 South region Meeting took place in London, this meeting was very well attended in which …

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