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Regulation amended re: passengers and staff security searches

Sikh Council UK are delighted to share the following information with you (below and attached) in relation to amended regulation using hand held metal detection equipment:

Please note this the amendment will come into effect on 25 February 2013

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 104/2013 of 4 February 2013 amending Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 as regards the screening of passengers and persons other than passengers by Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) equipment in combination with Hand Held Metal Detection (HHMD) equipment (Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002 ( 1 ), and in particular Article 4(3) thereof, Whereas:


(1) Commission Regulation (EC) No 272/2009 of 2 April 2009 supplementing the common basic standards on civil aviation security laid down in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 2 ) provides that the implementing rules to be adopted pursuant to Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 may allow the use of explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment and hand held metal detection (HHMD) equipment for screening of persons (passengers and persons other than passengers).


(2) Experience has shown that hand searches of passengers and persons other than passengers are not always the most efficient means of screening certain parts of the person, in particular where those parts are not readily accessible such as certain headgear, plaster casts or prosthesis.


(3) Trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of the combined use of ETD and HHMD in such cases. Moreover, the use of ETD and HHMD may facilitate the screening process and be experienced to be a less intrusive means of screening than a hand search, thus constituting an improvement in the experience of persons screened.


(4) It is thus useful and justified to allow these methods for screening of those parts of the person where a hand search is considered inefficient and/or undesirable such as certain headgear, plaster casts or prosthesis.


(5) This Regulation respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles recognised by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, notably the human dignity, the freedom of religion, the non- discrimination, the rights of persons with disabilities, and the right to liberty and security. In so far as it limits those rights and principles, such limitation is made genuinely to meet objectives of general interest and the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others, respecting the conditions laid down in Article 52 of the Charter. This Regulation must be applied in accordance with those rights and principles.


(6) Commission Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 ( 3 ) should therefore be amended accordingly.


(7) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on Civil Aviation Security set up by Article 19(1) of Regulation (EC) No 300/2008,




Article 1

The Annex to Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.


Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.


Done at Brussels, 4 February 2013.

For the Commission

The President

José Manuel BARROSOEN 5.2.2013 Official Journal of the European Union L 34/13

( 1 ) OJ L 97, 9.4.2008, p. 72.

( 2 ) OJ L 91, 3.4.2009, p. 7.

( 3 ) OJ L 55, 5.3.2010, p. 1.



The Annex to Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 is amended as follows:

(1) letter (f) is added to point as follows:

‘(f) explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment combined with hand held metal detection (HHMD) equipment.’;

(2) point is replaced by the following:

‘ Points – and – shall apply to the screening of persons other than passengers.’;

(3) letter (e) is added to point as follows:

‘(e) explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment combined with hand held metal detection (HHMD) equipment.’;

(4) new point with the following wording is added:

‘ Explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment in combination with hand held metal detection (HHMD) equipment may only be used in cases where the screener considers a hand search of a given part of the person to be inefficient and/or undesirable.’.EN L 34/14 Official Journal of the European Union 5.2.2013


The Sikh Council United Kingdom is a democratically elected accountable national organisation which was inaugurated on the 11th December 2010 following 6 months of consultation with Community Leaders across UK. It was set up due to popular public demand to deal with issues affecting the Sikh Community in UK and Europe as a united voice and single platform. An official Parliamentary launch of the Council took place on 22nd June 2011 at the Houses of Parliament.

On 26th November 2011 Sikh Council UK organised the Pan-European Sikh Summit in Paris where Sikh representatives from across Europe attended and signed an accord and declaration to work together with consensus in addressing issues relating to the Sikh Community across Europe.

General Assembly Meeting of Sikh Council UK

The General Assembly of Sikh Council UK will take place on Saturday 6th October 2012 during which the second administration will be formed.

Exetnded closing date: Renewals for memberships and new memberships closing date is now 8th September 2012. Click here for Affiliation Forms: SCUK-Affiliation-Forms (1)

Extended closing date: Executive Committee Nominations closing date is now 15th  September 2012.  Click here for Nomination Form.. Executive Committee Nominations

We request that the Executive Committee nomination forms are fully completed including details of experience and skills. This is so that these specifications can be circulated in cases where a delegate wishes to be considered for the Executive Committee but does not have sufficient number of nominators.

Note: Payments for renewal and new memberships can now be made on-line on details below:

Sikh Council UK

Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-23-60

Account Number: 63744086

Altneratively cheques can be sent via Post with memberships

We look forward to our continued work together for the benefit of the Sikh Panth