Author Archives: admin

Bulletin 47 | November 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
November 2014 Bulletin 47
Sikh Council UK Office Holders
Following the recent General Assembly and subsequent Executive Committee the following office holders have been agreed for the third administration of Sikh Council UK:

  • Secretary General – Gurmel Singh
    • Assistant Secretary General
      • Dr Piara Singh Bhogal (Internal Community Affairs and Link to Servicing Board of Jathedars)
      • Sukhvinder Singh (SSP to also Chair Policy and Strategy)
  •  Administrative Secretary – Jagtar Singh Gill
    • Assistant Administrative Secretary – Ranjit Singh Seehra
  • Treasurer – Paramjit Singh Dhillon
    •  Assistant Treasurer – Serbjit Singh Landa
  • Membership Co-ordinator of Affiliate Organisations – Surinder Singh Jandu
    • Membership Assistants & Regional Co-ordinators
      • North – Manjit Singh Cheema
      • Midlands – Surinderpal Singh
      • South – Baldev Singh Bains
  • Spokesperson – Gurinder Singh Josan
    • Assistant Spokesperson – Jagjit Singh

Chairs of Sub-Committee

  • Chair of Community Safety Committee – Balvinder Kaur Sandhu
    • Vice Chair – Balvinder Kaur Saund
  • Chair of Education Committee – Jaspal Singh
    • Vice Chair – Hardip Singh
  • Chair of European & International Affairs Committee – Paramjit Kaur Matharu
    • Vice Chair – Jaswinder Singh Khatkar
  • Chair of Finance Committee – Paramjit Singh Dhillon
    • Vice Chair – Serbjit Singh Landa
  • Chair of Indian Sub-Continent Affairs Committee – Cllr Gurdial Singh Atwal
    • Vice Chair – Jarnail Singh Dhaliwal
  • Chair of Media and Communications Committee – Gurinder Singh Josan
    • Vice Chair – Jagjit Singh
  • Chair of Sports Committee – Parminder Singh Birdi
    • Vice Chair – Inderjit Singh Gill

1st November 2014 Representatives of Sikh Council UK attended and participated in
the Candlelight Vigil in Victoria Square, Birmingham in remembrance of the victims
and to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the pogroms unleashed against Sikhs
in Delhi and other places

Read Full Bulletin..



Bulletin 46 | October 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
October 2014 Bulletin 46
The General Assembly of Sikh Council UK took place on 11th October 2014 this meeting saw the council into its 3rd administration.
Following a decision by DfE to not allow the opening of a Sikh School in Leicester Sikh Council along with other Sikh Organisations and local members of the Sikh Community held an urgent meeting with Lord Nash in discussing the issues that affected the opening. Following much discussion it was agreed that the opening of the school would be considered with revamped Trust membership and education partner. Subsequently the requirements were met and the school successfully opened its doors on 27th October 2014
11th October 2014 a meeting of the task committee for the Leamington Gurdwara Sahib issue was held in concluding way forward and Sikh Councils role within this.

Read Full Bulletin..


Bulletin 45 | September 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
September 2014 Bulletin 45
Meetings and Events
2nd September 2014 visit to National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum Derby by Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Stephen Williams MP in commemoration of the Sikh contribution and sacrifices during World War I.
4th September 2014 Secretary General of Sikh Council UK attended an urgent meeting with Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools, Lord Nash at the DfE to discuss concerns regarding a Sikh ethos Free school in Leicester being removed from the control of the Akaal Education Trust a few days prior to its opening. Following the meeting the school was reinstated to the Trust with new Trustees and Governors and work is under way to prepare for its opening in October.
11th September 2014 visit and unveiling of a memorial plaque in commemoration of the Sikh contribution and sacrifices during World War I at Gurdwara Baba Budha Ji by Minister of State for Policing, Criminal Justice and Victims, Rt Hon Mike Penning MP….

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Bulletin 43 | July 2014

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
July 2014 Bulletin 43
Query 1: Sikh Council UK received a query from a school where a student was given permission to carry a Kirpan, and while most people have been supportive of that, some parents are not happy about it.
Query 2: An educational consultant for Religious Education requested our opinion on an education resource designed for children between ages 4-11. In this resource they designed some lessons on Sikhism. The Sikh Council agreed to review the materials once produced.
Query 3: An Advertising Standards Authority wrote to the Sikh a Council UK following a complaint that they received about an ad that depicts the Harmandir Sahib, and asked for a view.
Query 4: An individual wrote to the Council to ask why Sikhs take sangat..


11th October 2014 the General Assembly will be selecting the 3rd Administration of the Council

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Member

Following two memorable and successful terms of Sikh Council UK, we are progressing fast towards the 3rd term for which Sikh Council UKs membership renewal process has started; On the 11th October 2014 the General Assembly will be selecting the 3rd Administration of the Council.

We request your attention in completing the attached relevant renewal of membership forms and returning these back to us at your earliest convenience along with the relevant fee of membership.

The complete process will be as follows:

  1. Renewal of membership/s  onto Sikh Council UK General Assembly by the Gurdwara Sahib/s or Sikh Organisation/s must be received by 22nd September 2014 (while this is an ongoing and open process we urge everyone to renew their membership in the coming weeks).
  2. Nominations for the new Executive Committee by General Assembly members must be received by 30th September 2014 
  3. Selection of the Executive Committee to progress the new administration of the council for the 3rd term will take place at the General Assembly on the 11th October 2014 (details to follow)


Please find attached (zip file containing all below documents or individual documents)

  • Introduction of Sikh Council UK
  • Structure diagram of Sikh Council UK
  • Membership renewal form
  • Nomination form for Executive Committee
  • Barclays Bank Standing order (for donations)
Zip file containing all documents for membership renewal:.

Introduction SCUK.doc
Executive Committee Nomination details and form.doc
New Membership Cover Letter.doc
Renewal of Membership Cover Letter.pdf
SCUK-Affiliation-Forms 1.doc

Completed forms can be returned via email with direct bank payment or by posted to: Sikh Council UK, PO BOX 16788, Smethwick, B67 9FH with cheque payment


Membership information and relevant forms are also available on our website,,
Telephone contact: 07867 608417

We look forward to our continued work together for the benefit of the Panth through a single cohesive voice.

Kind Regards


S.Surinder S Jandu
Co-ordinator of Affiliate OrganisationsSikh Council UK
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Sikh Council UK Correspondence Address: P.O Box 16788, Smethwick, B67 9FH