Author Archives: admin

Bulletin 33 | September 2013

8th September South Regional consultation meeting took place at Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sahib Barking, consultation was well attended ……

8th September Representatives of the Sikh Council attended the British Sikh Council Conference ……



Bulletin 32 | August 2013

6th August 2013 Representatives of Sikh Council attended a meeting with FCO Minister of State, Rt Hugo Swire MP and Lord Singh; representatives from …….

10th August 2013 Meeting of the Board of Jathedars took place at …….



Bulletin 31 | July 2013

Community Cohesion: Executive Member of Sikh Council attended a Community Cohesion Meeting ….
Meeting was held with a member of the BBC Production team Birmingham in developing ….




Same Sex Marriages Law

Following the passing into law of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 by the bill receiving Royal Assent on 17th July 2013 the Sikh Council UK has
issued important advice and guidance for Gurdwaras.  attached are documents for your reference and guidance…SCUK – Same Sex Marriage Guidance Letter – 28-07-13, SCUK – Letter from Helen Grant MP – 25-04-13, SCUK – Email from Melanie Field – 25-04-13, Press Release – SCUK – Same Sex Marriage Act – 28-07-2013, Press Release Punjabi – SCUK – Same Sex Marriage

Bulletin 30 | June 2013

3rd June 2013 three members of the Policy Team attended an ….
3rd June three members of the Policy Team held a EHRC meeting with an …..



Bulletin 29 | May 2013

11th May Meeting of the General Assembly Sikh Council UK took place took place at ….

11th May Board of Jathedar Meeting took place at ….


Bulletin 28 | April 2013

Development of the political influence and the Sikh vote:
The Council is developing a strategy and programme of activities to increase the engagement ….
23rd April 2013 a member of the Executive Committee attended a Faith and Policing Conference, ….



Labour Sikh Pathway-4th July 2013

Sikh Council UK – Political Engagement Programme

The Sikh Council UK are pleased to announce the launch of our:

‘Political Engagement Programme – Labour Sikh Pathway’

The Political Engagement Programme aims to develop future British Sikh politicians and political activists through collaboration with the major political parties.  The Sikh Council UK have planned events hosted by the Conservative Party on 6th June 2013 and the Labour Party on 4th July 2013 with a further event is planned with the Liberal Democrats (TBC)

Labour Sikh Pathway –  4th July 2013 (2pm to 6pm)

The Labour Sikh Pathway event will be hosted by the Labour Party at their Head Office in Westminster.  This will be an opportunity for you to: 

  • Meet and hear from senior     Labour Party figures and officials.
  • Learn about the Labour     Party, what they are doing to attract Sikh candidates and how you can get     involved.
  • Find out more about how to     stand as an elected representative for Labour – either as a Councillor,     Member of Parliament, European and Scottish Parliament or the Welsh     Assembly.
  • Find out how you can get     involved in the Labour Party Future Candidates Programme. 
  • Learn about Labour politics     and share your ideas and policy priorities.
  • Meet other Labour     supporting Sikhs and to build networks.

Applicants Criteria

We are looking for future British Sikh politicians and political activists.  We expect all participants to be highly capable, interested in politics with a desire to get involved in their local community.  We are particularly keen to receive applications from women and young people.  We expect all candidates to have an understanding of Sikhism, its principles and history.  Your personal conduct should be in-line with Sikh teachings.

 Applicants are invited from across the community; there are no requirements such as being Amritdhari / baptised or being a member of a political party etc.


 If you fit our criteria and would like to apply for the Labour Sikh Pathway event on 4th July 2013, please complete an application form and submit it by 28 June 2013.

Application forms are attached to this email or can be accessed by clicking here..: PEP_July 4_Labour Party Event_application form


Sikh Council UK Success in Parliament

In a debate held in Westminster Hall at the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 13th March 2013, the Sikh Council UK was recognised by Members of Parliament of all parties as a ‘national advocate’ for British Sikhs and praised for being a ‘democratically elected body’.   MP’s urged the Prime Minister, Ministers and the Government to work with the Sikh Council UK to ‘take on board points made by the British Sikh community’ ‘so that Sikhs feel that their voice is being heard’.  Read on in Panjabi..Sikh Council UK Success In English..Press Release – Success in British Parliament Sikh Council UK -13-03-2013