Author Archives: admin

UK Granted Asylum person Parmjeet Singh’s safe return from Portugal

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Colleague
Please immediately send the letter below to your MP in support of Parmjeet Singh’s safe return to the UK via email or use


It takes no more than 5 minutes to write to your MP. (use sample letter below)

Please confirm via return email the MP you have contacted (his or her name and constituency).
Our initial aim is to reach 50 different MPs today and at least 75 before Christmas Day (by close of play tomorrow) and over 150 different MPs by 4 January 2016.
Dear Your MPs name
Arrest of Paramjeet Singh in Portugal on 18 December 2015
I am writing to you regarding my concerns for the above named person who has been residing in the UK for the past 20 years and granted asylum by the Home Office. Paramjeet Singh has indefinite leave to remain in the UK and his children aged 4 to 12 are British citizens.
His constituency MP John Spellar has been assisting the family since his arrest and has shared the following information with officials at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and kept the family updated through community contacts.
Paramjeet arrived in Portugal on the 18th December 2015 with his wife and children for a family holiday and was arrested by Interpol from the hotel where they were staying. He was presented to court the following day and became aware of a request from the Indian authorities to extradite him to India.
Indian media sources claim Paramjeet Singh is wanted for questioning by police in relation to the 2009 death of Rulda Singh, head of the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, a wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The RSS is a far-right Indian nationalist group complicit in communal killings and associated with fascism.
The case was already investigated in an 11 month joint investigation with Indian and British police in 2010 and the evidence was unsatisfactory for Paramjeet Singh to be charged.
The British Government has granted Paramjeet Singh asylum as the authorities were convinced his life would be in danger if returned to India. His elder brother was tortured in jail and was subsequently killed in a case which remains unsolved.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has thus far not done enough for Paramjeet Singh and his family by ensuring Paramjeet Singh is returned to the UK.  The British authorities appear to have been slow in sharing relevant information with the Portugese Government, such as why they have given protection to Paramjeet Singh and if extradited he may never see his family and especially his children again.
It is disappointing that the initial court decision in Portugal has been to give the Indian authorities until 4 January 2016 to present evidence for Paramjeet Singh’s extradiction when the British authorities already have all the information needed to secure his release and return to the UK.
I would be grateful if you could raise concerns with the Foreign Secretary and the Portugese Embassy and send me a copy of your letter and any responses. We urge you to request Portugal to return Paramjeet Singh immediately to the UK where he has been resident and if India has any case for it be presented to the British courts.  The Sikh community believes there is a risk of this happening to others and is extremely anxious.
Yours sincerely,
Your name and full address, including postcode


Anand Karaj , Resolution – Clarification – Flowchart – Declaration

Following the recent national meeting of Gurdwaras coordinated in partnership with Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO), and Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall, We are pleased to provide you with further clarifications and information.

We would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who attended and offer apologies to those who were not able to share their views due to time constraints of high number of contributors

Please find enclosed the following documents: (Links to documents available below, zip file format)
· Covering Letter
· Resolution Clarifications – English
· Resolution Clarifications – Panjabi
· Flowchart for Anand Karaj Booking – English
· Flowchart for Anand Karaj Booking – Panjabi
· Anand Karaj Declaration

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us, equally please feel free to add your own logos to the document to personalise them to your Gurdwaras Sahib or region.

Finally; as agreed at the meeting we will embark upon development of educational support materials shortly and welcome anyone who wishes to contribute.

Kind Regards and good wishes for the Chardi Kala of the Sikh Panth
S.Gurmel Singh
Secretary General
Sikh Council UK


Document download location of link: Best Practice Guides (Anand Karaj updated Marriage Guidelines)


Press Release – SSP 0115 – Respone to HMIC Report on Child Abuse

Safer Sikhs Partnership Urges Police Forces to act on Findings of Report
Safer Sikhs Partnership welcomes an honest and much needed review of Police management of child abuse cases across the UK by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.
We urge all authorities to act on the findings of this report and to adopt a coordinated approach to protecting children from all communities across the UK.
Amongst the report’s findings is the

Read full Press Release…


Home Office Policy review update meeting 9th July 2015

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Dear Colleague
Re: Failed Visas for Religious Workers – Home Office Policy review update meeting
Sikh Council UK has now been able to secure an update meeting with the Home Office Head of Migration policy (Immigration & Border Policy Directorate)
Details of meeting as follows

Thursday 9th July 2015 Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, 128-130 High Street, Smethwick, B66 3AP Time: 4.30pm

If your Gurdwara Sahib is affected by this issue it is important you make every effort to attend and also bring with you some case samples so that we can take these up with the Officer.
If you do have cases but are unable to attend please send these to us asap and we will be happy to share these on your behalf
Kind Regards
Balvinder Kaur Head of Operations Sikh Council UK

Down Load Article..



Public consultation on the 2021 Census in England and Wales…

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Colleague

Please see links below for the consultation on the Census 2021 we urge everyone to complete this asap organisations and individuals can complete. It is important we do this so that we are fairly represented in the 2021 census

Main areas of interest will be identifying ‘Sikh’ as a separate entry on the form under ‘ethnicity’ and for more resources to be provided in assisting people who are not computer literate to complete the forms as well as assistance for those who do not read/write English (2011 Census was heavily dependent on voluntary resources of the community)

These are just some of the shortcomings in the 2011 Census.

We are happy to provide some sample responses in the coming days.

NB: Please note not all sections need to be completed you can go direct to the relevant sections once you have completed the mandatory questions

Public consultation on the 2021 Census in England and Wales 

ONS is encouraging people to respond online to their current proposals 
More information on the topic consultation, including a PDF of  the “Initial View on Content for England and Wales”, is available at can take part in this public consultation which closes on Thursday 27 August and users’ feedback will inform further research, development of questions, and other engagement activities.The National Statistician, John Pullinger, says:
“Decisions based on the census can touch the lives of all of us. Individuals and organisations alike are able to make better decisions based on the unique and reliable evidence base that the census provides. But we can’t run this major project alone. We need the help of census users to ensure that the census stays relevant and credible. So do please take the time to share your views through this consultation. Together we can make sure we understand as much as we need to about the population in 2021.”