Community Safety

 Interim Co-ordinator Balvinder Kaur

The Sikh Council UK’s Community Safety Committee is undertaking urgent research into the issues faced by the Sikh Community and requires your assistance in gathering data. Please find attached a research document that we would like you to complete and return to the Sikh Council UK. Safety Committee of SCUK research

Community Safety Guidelines

In light of the mindless riots that are impacting numerous towns across UK, Sikh Council UK have developed some basic  guidelines for use at Gurdwaras to take security measure and minimise risk to our Gurdwara Sahibs and Sangat members.

The Sikh Council and the wider Sikh community wholly condemns this totally unnecessary and unwarranted violence which is no more than vandalism, profiteering and opportunistic by the few but is bring misery and heartaches to thousands across the country. The Sikh council is fully supportive and grateful to our police force for  dealing with this extreme situation with fortitude and bravery.  Sikh Council Emergency Guidelines for Gurdwara
In Punjabi Sikh Council Emergency Guidelines for Gurdwara Gurmukhi


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